Tuesday, July 11, 2006


It was fifteen minutes past ten. The night was refreshingly cool as it had rained earlier. I picked up the phone and dialed Jean-Claude's number. Someone picked the call up on the fourth ring.

"Bonsoir. Je voudrais parler à Jean-Claude, s'il vous plaît," I said nervously.
"Un moment." A pause. "Jean-Claude, on t'appele au téléphone!"
Another pause.
"Allô, Jean-Claude içi," his familiar voice sounded sleepy.
"C'est Gabriel. Tu viens de rentrer?"
"Oui. Ça va, toi? Vraiment?"
I assured him that everything was all right. It was only that I was having a little problem at work, c'etait tout. How was my Frenh, he asked. Was I comfortable with Mme Le Blanc? Oui, elle etait magnifique, I said. Oh? Plus magnifique que lui, he asked. No, he was different, I assured him. And I sort of missed him sometimes.
"Ah, c'est vrai?" he asked.
"Oui, c'est vrai."

Each year, fourth year students at DR Residential who were involved in extra-curricular activities would find themselves burdened with loads of responsibilities as other members of their clubs or societies, especially their third year and fifth year counterparts, took the back seat to concentrate on their studies and face their examinations. I was no exception.
Apart from serving the clubs of which I was already a member, I was appointed to be on the editorial panel for the school's yearbook, writing about sports and recreational activities and achievements during the whole year. Adrian was on the panel, too, in charge of editing English articles and writing other school activities reports.
I enjoyed my new responsibility, especially when it gave me ample opportunities to get close to those dreamy athletes! Interviews after interviews were conducted for my articles. Some interviews took place in the cafeteria, some in the locker room, some between practice, and some in bed -- the athletes' and sometimes mine.
By the end of that year, I had earned a "reputation" among the boys -- especially those in the know -- at school. Some threw me dirty looks whenever I walked by. Some gave me horribly suggestive nicknames, some came right up to me and told me how disgusting they thought I was. And quite a few came to me to find out whether I lived up to my reputation.
On my part, I was indifferent. I went about doing my own stuff like usual, although at nights, things were a little chaotic. My sleep was often disturbed, fending off curious, horny late night visitors.
On Ben's suggestion, I began sleeping less and less in my own bed, seeking night-time solace in friends' rooms. It was not that I wasn't unflattered by all the attention I was getting, but the resolution that I had made earlier after the nasty experience with Nick stuck fast in my mind. I wanted to play, but according to my own rules. And I certainly would want to choose my own players.
I made Kyle understand this rule after my right fist sent him sprawling on the floor of his room one steamy afternoon.


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